Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays 2008

OK, so we've been lax. Or, I have. It's been a year, and a lot has happened, so at some point I should update this site. For now, however, it's Christmas Eve (day) and we're flying to California in about 6 hours, and I still have to finish packing and do laundry and mail our holiday cards. So, it's not happening today.

I'm posting this to let you know I WILL get to this when we return from California (1/1 /09), including photos from Hawaii and our annual "Best Photos of 200x" (in this case, 2008). I guess one benefit of posting the "Best of" pix is they'll include all of 2008.

Anyway, sorry to have wasted your time, if you came here expecting to read news and see pix. But please do check back in early January. Thanks, and happy new year!

PS -- in the meantime, if you have a Facebook account, you can look us up (Monica Neal Hertzman and/or Adam Jack Hertzman); we've been posting a few things there, and we always welcome new FB friends. =)


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