Sunday, January 23, 2005

That was not painful

Noah can come out with some choice comments sometimes. Well, almost daily. Unfortunately, we frequently forget them by the time the day has ended, and certainly by the time the week has passed and we call family to chat. Some of his quips, though, are too memorable.

The other day, we were getting him ready for bed and he was sitting on the potty, procrastinating as usual. We told him he needed to try to poop, and finally he relented. As his face turned purple, I had a hard time not laughing, but I managed. Suddenly, plop! And then, once his complexion returned to normal, he said (somewhat panting), "That was not painful." (Pause, with much silent laughter on Adam's and my part.) "So I did it. I pooped."

Ah, the honesty of almost-three year olds.

Our other favorite recent comment concerned Jonah's crying (as do many of Noah's comments, actually). I was trying to feed Jonah cereal one night, and he was having none of it. Above the din, Noah yells out, "Jonah! You should not speak to Mommy like that!" My little prince, ever protectful... of his ears.

One final Noah funny, from awhile back. Grandma Rhoda was visiting in early December, and one morning she noticed that Noah's bed wasn't made. So she says to Noah, "Let's make your bed." His response: "Let's not."

OK, so that was funny at the time and we indeed laughed. The second, third, and x-teenth time, however, weren't so amusing. Rather, they sounded a bit bratty. So we put an end to that particular comment.

Then, last weekend, Grandma Rebecca and Grandpa Marc were visiting, and they were playing with Noah in the family room. After several flips of the light switch (going in and out of the tunnel while "on the train"), Noah says, "Let's turn off the light and go into the tunnel," to which Grandma Rebecca responds, "Let's not."

Aha! And we thought he had picked up that phrase at school -- no, he must have done so while we were visiting the Hertzmans over Thanksgiving. The truth comes out!

Anyway, Noah replies to Grandma Rebecca, "That is not a nice thing to say. You should not say 'Let's not.' That is not polite."

Well, at least we know he listens to us, too. For now...


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