Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hungry, hungry hippo

Apparently my 18-plus-pound 5 month old thinks we've been starving him. Either that or Jonah's going through a major growth spurt.

Now that he's finally used to having a bottle at daycare (he seemed to get the hang of it in earnest last week), I figured I'd bring in a little extra breastmilk. Up until this week, I'd bring in a 7 oz. bottle and then visit the daycare in the afternoon after the bottle ran out, to feed him in person (the daycare is only 3 blocks away from my office, which is wonderfully convenient).

On Monday, I brought in 9 oz., but at lunch he refused his bottle and... OK, I'm not supposed to cry over spilt milk, but they had to throw away 3 oz.! It was rather distressing, to say the least. As I said to Adam, that's like throwing away 2 or 3 hours of work (I figure I produce 1 to 1.5 oz. per hour on average). *Sigh*

That evening, however, I made a tragic discovery as I was washing out his bottle nipples. One of the three nipples he'd used at daycare was a "slow-flow" nipple that's supposed to be used for newborns; the others were "medium-flow" nipples for 6+ month olds. Could it be that he wasn't really refusing the milk, he just wasn't able to suck it fast enough and he just gave up? My poor lazy child!

To test my hypothesis, the next day I sent him to school with 8 oz. of milk and three medium-flow nipples. At 1 p.m. I got the call that he had only 1 oz. of milk left. I said they should call me when he was hungry and I'd come over and "top him off" (so to speak). Got that call at 3 p.m.

Wednesday, I figured I'd bring in a larger bottle -- 10 oz. Got a call at 2 p.m. that he'd finished the bottle, so I went over to visit. I hadn't pumped since 10 a.m., but he still drank all I could provide. Wow.

So today, knowing I wouldn't be able to go over there in the afternoon (meetings and such), I brought two bottles -- 15 oz. total.

By 2 p.m. he had only 3 oz. left.

What you have to understand is that he is also eating two bowls of cereal (2 or 3 oz. each) and a bowl of vegetables (another 2 oz.) on top of all that milk. And he's only turning 5 months old tomorrow!

I suppose the funniest thing about this is that, back when Noah was 6 months old, I wrote in his journal that he was a cute little chunk, and I remember that everyone joked that he'd one day be a linebacker. I also happened to note in the journal how much Noah weighed at his 6-month appointment: about 16 1/2 pounds.

Need I reiterate, Jonah is 5 months old and weighs upwards of 18 pounds. Perhaps we should call him a cute little superchunk...


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